Every makeup lover knows that quality brushes are an investment. Those beauties take a beating between being used, being cleaned, and being stored. If yours are a little haggard, take heart. You can squeeze a little extra life out of them with a few simple tricks.
You can certainly invest in a new set any time, but if you'd rather buy makeup instead, then give a few of these a go. You may be surprised at how much longer your brushes will keep you looking beautiful.
1. Revive your makeup brush...with fire
Okay, this one looks scary but makes sense if you're trying to extend the life of a mediocre makeup brush. Over time, the bristles on your brushes can take a beating and leave you with an uneven application. Begin by singeing the tips only. Don't light the whole thing on fire! The ends will look a little frayed and curly after, so follow with a quick dunk in clean water to loosen and wash off the shaggy ends.
2. Reattach a broken brush head
It happens...especially when you tote your precious brushes around in your makeup bag. If the head comes off your brush, don't panic. Just remove any old glue from inside the head with a metal nail file and glue the brush back together with a hot glue gun.
3. Clean 'em like you mean it
There are tons of gadgets meant to help you get your brushes clean, but you probably have this one in your bathroom already. Simply wet your brushes with water and your favorite cleanser, then run them over the bumps on your bar soap holder. It'll help you get in between the bristles and won't cost you a fortune.
4. Dry them upside down
No one likes cleaning their brushes, but it's a necessary evil. Since you know how to clean them, drying them properly will keep them in their best condition. To create a drying rack, simply wrap a few rubber bands around a cutting board or clip board. Suspend the brushes, head down, and let dry.
5. Save a frayed synthetic brush
Makeup brushes certainly aren't created equal, but constantly replacing them takes money away from your makeup budget. If you're dealing with flyaways, pick up a little jar of Brush Shaper. All you need to do is wash and dry your brush, then dip it into the jar and smooth out the bristles. When it's dry, you'll be good to go again.
6. Make your own contour brush
If your collection doesn't include a contour brush (and your wallet says, "Today's not your day."), you can modify an existing powder brush with just a few bobby pins.